Wednesday, 30 December 2009

New Year's Eve Eve!

I seem to be making a habit out of eve's eve posts. Oh well.

Sorry everyone about the lack of a Christmas Day post. The lack of internet made it fairly impossible. Oh well. Got a new phone and a Wii ^.^ My phone is a pretty shade of purple, and it has a touchscreen which is annoying to text with, but the phone is awesome even so.

It's new year's eve tomorrow! Me and my friend ae going to have a sleepover at my house, complete with films and probably chocolate. Well, it is new year's, heh.

Right now, im watching P!nk's live funhouse tour DVD, again. It's epic. Her version of Family Portrait with just her and the piano still gets me every time, and so does her acoustic version of I Dont Beleive You.

I'm being so boring! I guess i have nothing interesting to say, same as usual =] Well, i might be looking out of the window tomorrow, stealing the view of other people's fireworks, in the true yorkshire manner - why pay for them yourself when you can watch somone else's for free!

Went to see the pantomime yesterday, Jack and the Beanstalk. Ruined the story, got in some good jokes, not to mention a real helicopter, some flying, and a live cow. Oh, and of course the jokes about the area, the time of year, and the actors. And the dude in drag! Can't forget the dude in drag!

Well, darling followers, i shall see you later xx

Wednesday, 23 December 2009

It's Christmas Eve eve!

I know, im sad, and amazingly hyper ^.^ But I can be forgiven for this, due to the fact that it's nearly Christmas. Hee hee.

Was ill yesterday, shock horror! I'm so good at timing things - i logged off the computer, meaning to go back to bed, then threw up all over my bedroom carpet 2 minutes later. TMI? Probably. Lol.

It's all icy in England-land now! I mean, snow is pretty when it first falls and you're having fun making a snowman and having snowball fights - but then, a couple of days later when it goes icy and the doctor gets sick of staring at bruised arses all day? Not so much. It's still pretty through the window, from the safety of my sofa and the laptop, though.

My favourite forum is down! Thanks to SOMEBODY posting a global announcement in a forum it shouldnt be posted in, and screwing up phpbb. Wonderful. That was nice of him xD Ah well. Keep your fingers crossed that it's back up soon!

Don't you just love the Christmas holidays? Yes, they're over too soon, and Yes, it probably involves seeng family you don't like. but it's 2 weeks off school, and you get christmas too - the decorations, the presents, the jokes. And the chance to do christmas themed phone calls and blog posts ;)

Expect a blog post from me on Christmas - probably with a list of my favourite presents, asking everyone to comment xD

See you later, bitches *hugs*

Sarah xx

Saturday, 19 December 2009

Hey bitches, I'm back from the dead!

Wow, it's been a long time since i made a blog post. Somone needs to remind me to post xD

Well, it's nearly Christmas! My advent calendar says it's 6 more sleeps! (Yes, i know how sad that sounded. Get over it.) So, what are we all getting for Christmas? Hmm? I love Christmas. It makes me feel all happy - and everything is so shiny! The trees, the lights, everything ^^ Makes me want to sing along to Bing Crosby and get fairly bladdered on sweet sherry.

I decorated my tree at my Dad's house yesterday with my best friend - it was so much fun! It looks absoutely awesome. More is more = ftw. We went completely over the top - tinsel, beads, coloured lights, baubles, and an angel we made out of a fuckton of foil and my history exercise book. Yay!

School is over for two whole weeks, yey! I may actually be able to sleep, now. Would make a nice change. Looking forward to Christmas day, though it's kinda tainted by the fact that i am not with my whole family - just my Mum, brother and her boyfriend. We get a repeat of Christmas on boxing day with my father. Divorce is such a stupid entity.

Hoping you are all enjoying the festive season, if you bother to look at my blog anymore, i shall wish you a merry Christmas my darling followers!

Sarah xx

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Bad day. Bad, bad, bad...

Warning: This is going to be a very bad blog post. Just me whining, even more than usual.

Bad, bad bad day today at school. I had another one of those days. they're becoming more frequent now, which is scaring me. I wish they'd stop. I just felt like something was pulling me down, making me feel like shit. I dunno. I think im going insane, sometimes.

2 of my friends had an argument today, and one stormed off. There's been a lot going on for me right about now, and that was the final straw. I wanted to punchsomething, but i couldn't. I just stood there, leaning on the fence. 2 of my other friends noticed i was upset, and asked me what was wrong. I just broke down crying. They both hugged me, and told me it'd be okay.

Now. You'd think, if somone was crying at school, you'd have the tiniest little bit of respect nd at least skirt around them. Not at my school, ladies and gentlemen. Nope, some total bithes stopped to hit me fairly hard on the back, which killed, and some tiy little idiot guys stood there laughing at me. They seemed to shut up when they realised im bigger than them, and threatened to castrate them, but y' know.

I was dragged away by my friend, and as i walked away i began to scratch up my fingers fairly badly with my nails. I have a... problem, with stuff like that. but i dont think you all want to read something like that. My hand killed all the way through science, after which i went and ran cold water over it until it became numb - after that it was okay.

Now, when i got home one of my friends messaged me on MSN. Recently, this 'friend' has been... changing. She used to be friendly, kind, happy, bubbly. She loved animals, and cared about problems and stuff in general. Now, all she s interested in is looking her most emo, and guys. That's all she ever talks about. Ever. She pissed me off, and we had an argument. So im in for a bitching tomorrow.

i think you've all had enough of me now. See you later, my darling followers xxx

Sunday, 25 October 2009


OMG, OMG, OMG Pi... Wait, i sound like a myspace whore.

I went to see P!nk last night, she was really, really awesome. She came second to nickelback though. We were sat quite high up, to the side of the stage, so we saw everything that went on behind, as the show was designed to look good from the front.

The show wasn't really about the music, it was more a show. The theme of 'funhouse' was played on a lot, with a circus background, trapeze artists, and huge inflatable clowns. It was really, really good. She did loads of old songs as well as a lot of new ones, including 'dont let me get me' and 'family portrait'

I cried at family portrait. It was a version with just her and a piano, and it was really gorgeous.

The support band wasn't up to much. New Zealanders, Evermore, who will fade into obscurity soon enough. Everything sounded the same. Your general emo rock band, complete with rhinestoned skinnies.

Bye, my dears

Friday, 23 October 2009

I'm unimportant. Move along.

Had one of those days today, where you just want to disappear. Want to not exist, so everything can stop. It feels like m drowning, im losing my grip, and there's nothing left to keep me afloat. I'm going to sink, and it's just a matter of time.

I dont know how to handle it - what possible way is there? I'm useless, and no good to anybody. I dont even know why im writing this, it's not like anyone cares. Mght as wel post it for it never to be read.

Stupid bitches at school, told me to get on the other bus because they wouldnt be able to resist the temptation of tring to get to me. Again.

I'm at mum's tonight going to see Pink tomorrow. Should be fun. Excited about it. Probably gonna post about it the day after.

See yall later.

Saturday, 17 October 2009

Hmm... Bored... Very bored...

I have done almost nothing at all today, but i am severly bored, so i am going to ramble here.

I may not be online much monday, tuesday and wednesday. Maybe thursday. Somone i know is going into hospital, so it'll be difficult for me to go online. The good news being, i may have something to write about after all that. Bad news being, I'll be worried sick.

Got a new book, Twisted, by Laurie Halse Anderson - it looks very boring so far. The blog says it is about sexual assault, so it might, at some point get more interesting. Doubt it though. The main character is boring, and, as usual, he wants to date the hottest girl in school. The hottest girl in school gets raped, and everyone blames him. Presto, instant story.

I also has a new favourite quote ^.^ - "Listen to the mustn'ts, child, listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the wonts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me - anything can happen, child, anything can be" - Shel Silverstein. I like it, you may not.

So, nothing else to talk about really - bye my darling followers xxx

Friday, 16 October 2009

So, my darling followers.

Another rant, about nothing imparfticular, which you will all find incredibly boring.

So, to those of you who do not know this, i leave school every friday to go to a town and do a PE lesson there. We go in two busses, and, as usual, i chose the wrong one to sit on. Me and my two friends i was with were sat kinda in the middle of one bus, with a load of 'popular' girls behind us. You know the sort of girl im talking about - cries if her hair straighteners are3 broken, and has brains like soup? Yeah. Well, one of them really dislikes me.

I was sat there, didn't say anything, and then somone threw some sugar right over at me. It went everywhere - in my hair, my bag, all over my clothes. And it was damp, so it stuck to everything. They did it again, and i'd already been having a bad day for reasons i dont want to say, and i couldn't take it anymore. I cried, right there, on the bus. Did they stop? No. Because i was, quite obviously, very upset, they though it would be fun to keep doing it. I got more and more sugar all over me, i looked like a fucking christmas cake. It was really not funny. They got some sugar on my friends, too. We were all upset, I just didn't have the energy to bother telling anyone, but my two friends told our teacher.

We spent the whole first half of PE sat on a sofa in the corridor, crying, hugging, hand holding because of them. It happens every week. something new - a comment, an action. And it's begginging to really hurt. I dont know when they're going to stop, but i hope it's soon. They might not ever stop - but, be that the case, i only hvae 1 and a half years left of high school. It's just draining.

So, my darling followers - from me, your sugar encrusted friend, goodbye for now xxx

Monday, 12 October 2009

Greetings once more.

So, here i am again, in front of my computer with very little of interest to say, but nothing else to do. My ramblings must be getting boring by now, but i will continue onwards anyway! So, I cannot think of much to rant about today, but im trying to post randomly every coupla days or so, so im going to randomly think of something to say...

I have a headache. this is caused by my glasses, which i beleive to be too strong for me. I could go and get new ones, but i hate asking to go anywhere that i know will end up costing something, so i shall persevere.

I created a new facebook today, named after a lesbian anime character (strawberry panic) Etoile Shizuma. Add me if you like, and have facebook. My avatar is the kissing one. made a pet society for it, too. Fairly cute.

I am watching my Strawberry Panic, love it to bits, definitley reccomended. Although the main character (Nagisa-san) is very boring and very mush-for-brains, i love the character of Etoile, who is very pretty, but has an underlying problem i havent discovered yet. There's an air of mystery about her i like.

Listened to Fall Out Boy's version of beat it, and preferred it to the original. then listened to 'I don't care' which was epic. Love the video.

Feel free to comment, my darling followers, and see you all later. xx

Sunday, 11 October 2009


I stayed up very, very late last night. I think i went to bed around 8am, and slept until about 9.30am. I'm very tired now, but it's not so bad.

I did something I've never done before today, removed somone from everything i could on the internet. Email, msn - everything. It's sad, because this person was a fairly big part of my free time, and it's a long story, but it's nice to feel that weight lifted, like you owe them nothing. It's still uncomfortable, as they regular a forum i am admin of, but i hope that will sort itsself out. Hope =S

I love knowing i can do anything, say anything, flirt with anyone - knowing all the time that I don't owe anything to him. It's great. Freedom, in a weird sense of the word. Has anyone reading this got a similar story? Feel free to post it in the comments.

Goodnight, my darling internet xx

Ok, so

I haven't posted in a while. Nothing really i wish to say publicly.

So, tonight i had my friend over for a sleepover. True to form, we watched a movie (a sleepover staple!) Unfortunatley the movie we chose was The scorpion King, and it was the biggest pile of bullshit I have EVER watched. It had very little in the way of plot, acting, or anythign else for that matter. As far as i can tell, the basic plot is assasin dude is sent to kill somone, falls in love with one of his targets, kills the other, and gets his ass kicked by ninjas. Seriously.

We also decided that the 'hero' of the film is the black counterpart of Chuck Norris - Nuck Chorris, who is only awesome at night so he blends in. Even if he did get his ass kicked by ants, ninjas, and a scrawny medieval version of todays WoW addicts. It was about 1h30 long i think, but it felt like half an hour it was so bad, i think i forgot huge chunks already. Oh - he got hit with a poison arrow, and wrenched another one out of his back and fired it at his enemy, killing him. How realistic *rolls eyes*.

That'll be all for tonight, internet =]

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Hi again

So, internet, it's the first day of October - nearly Christmas (ok, not really, but i need something to be overexcited about). I have a cold today, which i made sound worse than it was, so i stayed off school - the reason i have nothing interesting to rant about. I slept until about 4 30pm, then got up, and spent my day on the internet.

One frustrating thing did happen to me. On a forum i regular, somone parodied my account name and sent shock images to everybody. Damn Encyclopedia Dramatica - shock images for the masses. Oh well, i can think o nothing more to say, so, without further ado, goodbye.

Monday, 28 September 2009

So, internet

Tongith, i feel quite ill - so im not going to write much. Just going to say that i just watched 17 again, with Zac Efron. Not a very good flick, and i found out that ZE is not actually fit without his shirt. Sorry to say, girlies! I'll be going shopping with my Grandma tomorrow, yay / sarcasm, and am going into school on my day off - so you can expect an extra long rant tomorrow.

So, without further ado, i lost pateince and am going to bed!

PS, great anime podcast / forum =

Saturday, 26 September 2009

Ghosts Of Girlfriend's Past

Second film sorta review on my blog since i created it, this time about a fairly soppy chick flick. So - tissues and aero balls at the ready! GOGP (I don't have the pateince of a saint, so i'll abbreviate the name) has all the classic traits of a good chick flick - humour, romance, tear jerking moments, and some seriously hot man candy (in the ever so delightful shape of Matthew McConaughey. So, check, check, chek and... check.

The plot is a very basic micky take of A Christmas Carol, a womanizer goes to his brother's wedding, screws it up (no, not the bridesmaids, amazingly, just the wedding) and meets the ghost of his dead adoptive Dad. Also, a complete womanizer- but one who has en the error of his ways. He warns Connor Mead (MM) that he will be visited by 3 ghosts that night - yep, you guessed it, Past, Present, and Future. He is visited by all these ghosts, and in the process learns that he shouldn't have turned out like this - he should always have... but no, that would give the plot away =]

Along the way he manages to grope the brides mother, tell the bride her bridesmaid screwed the groom, drink a whole lot of scotch, and completely decimate a cake (as well as at least 5 women). So, this film is good for a laugh, although it does drag on a bit in some places. It's a great chick flick, for those nights in with the girls - so, nail varnish at the ready!

And, even if you despise the thought of clinging to the tissues while watching a chick flick - don't despair! Because you would have to have a funny bone of steel not to love the humour in this film. So, i think thats everything i have to say about now... not the most interesting blog post ever, but i think it suffices for now =]

Goodnight, my lovely followers. xxx

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Losing your temper. (language)

Do you have a temper? I know i do. I normally am able to keep it under control, but i kinda sorta lost it today at school, because of the slightest little thing. Now, i was already in a thunderously bad mood, which i thought was pretty obvious - but evidently not. My complete bitch of a form tutor told me to stop listening to my friend's headphones, which i did, and then told me 'my attitude was not needed'. I wasn't giving her any attitude, AT ALL, i was being perfectly polite.

Now, i just didn't want to know. I didnt want to listen to reason. I just sat and fumed, and then the class left for assembly. I was still severl angry, and as i was leaving she asked me if i was ok. I wanted to scream at her that 'No i was fucking not'. But i didn't have the guts. I told her no, im not, and stormed off. I punched walls, banged doors. Eventually my friend calmed me down, and i just sat and cried. She then decided to come and ask me if i was ok, and told me i could go see her whenever if i needed to. I never want to se her again - she fucking hates me.

I spent the resulting day feeling like utter shit, which i would have done anyway, but this just made it all worse. She has the habt of making me want to punch her with every other sentance she manages. Though, on the upside, It did give me something to rant about.

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Oh. My. God. (language)

Ok. I teach swimming on tuesday nights, for those of you who care enough to read my blog *sniff*. One of the lifeguards is so depressing, but she really pissed me off today!

So, the swimming club i go to pay for the pool every time we use it, and at the last 10 minutes today they were jumping in, near the side of the pool so they could get out. She told me to move them deeper into the water so she wouldn't get wet! She's a fucking lifeguard, you'd think it comes with the job?!

If a kid was drowning, would she jump in? I hope so... unless her hair is more important? Somehow i doubt it. So, if im trying to keep these kids safe by putting them in an area they wont drown when they jump in, you'd think im doing my job? But noooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Monday, 21 September 2009

Essays (Language warning)

Essays. Gah, i fucking hate them. Nasty little things that teachers can spring on you at the worst and most unexpected of times. Just finished one on Great Expectations, and i know where i want to shove the whole 5 page thing now. It probably doesn't help that i dislike the main character, and i have a headache though.

This was a re-write, where your teacher comes back and says 'change it all - you doin' it wrong!' Ironically, my teacher spelt piranhas wrong on my re-write notes, which gave me a giggle.

I don't have the pateince to write a huge long thing now - so im going to leave it there. See you later, oh darling reader!

Sunday, 20 September 2009

Mirrors with Kiefer Sutherland - Spoilers!

Just watched Mirrors with Kiefer Sutherland. Call me wimpy, but im totally freaked! It's not a scary film - more jumpy - but I'm not going upstais without the lights on tonight! It's only a 5.5 out of ten for me, the plot was weak but the ending and the jump factor made up for it. I don't see why it's an 18, it's not exceptionally scary, theres no drugs. I guess it's the swearing and the gore.

There's an awesome bit where one girl's mirror reflection makes her rip her bottom jaw off, killing her from blood loss, and another bit where one guy's reflection makes him kill himself by cutting his throat with a peice of mirror.

Basically, the mirrors want one woman - and if you fail to find her, you and your family die. I suppose what i found scary was the fact that anything reflective - mirrors, windows, water, could kill you. And they're everywhere - no running from water! I'll have completely forgotten the film tomorrow - but for tonight, i think im well and truly freaked.

Plot could have been better, and the ending was weak. I mean, the dude worked so hard against the mirrors, then he ends up in a parallel universe? Hardly fair. Though e did call a nun a bitch...

Anyway, my darling regular (one day this might be plural xD) Sorry if i ruined the film - but it's all i have to talk about! Night night for now, and i'll post again later =D

Saturday, 19 September 2009

Do as I say, not as I do!

Have you ever had parents, grandparents or adults say this to you? If you have, you'll understand my frustration. Now, every time i go to my Granparents house, this becomes the case. The first thing me and my brother are told is to not argue, which then becomes a full blown argument with my Grandma. It's so hypocritical - they're the adults, and we're the kids so we have to do as they say, not as they do. I'm tired of being treated like a total child!

Another one that gets on my wick is that im not old enough to be treated like an adult, that im not mature enough. Maturity chooses no age bracket, plenty of teenagers i know are much more mature than a majority of the adults. Life makes you mature - not age.

By the way, on a less... frustrated note, if i ever get any views from people who don't know me personally, feel free to introduce yoursel, and post any opinions in the comments!

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Dont patronize me, you wont like me when I'm patronized...

I cannot stand being patronized, it really does my head in. Today in maths is a prime example - I was in a fairly bad mood already, which is probably why i was so agitated, when my teacher gave me my homework and i got an E. 22 out of 30 marks. It wasn't the mark i got which annoyed me - if i get something wrong, i got it wrong - it was the people around me's reaction to it.

One friend of mine just told me it would 'be ok' and not to worry, which i find quite humiliating. Maybe im just being hypersenesitive - but i got something wrong in maths, that doesn't give anyone liscence to try and comfort me, and treat me like im 2. My other friend, about 5 minutes later, could see i was hugely pissed off, and told me to 'awwwwwwwwwwww, cheer up', in that voice adults use to babies. DO NOT WANT. Spent the rest of the day in a mood -_-

Sorry if either friend reads this, it isn't a personal attack, i just needed to vent it.

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Welcome to my Epic blog of Epicness!

Hey, this is my all new epic blog of epicness. Bear with me - im new to blogging =] On here you're likely to find anything and everything i feel like talking about - so if you find something offensive, feel free to tell me in a comment. So, today... *flashback music from cheesy 80's TV show*

I hate school. With a passion - it scares me, and the people in general really get on my wick. Today was an OK day, though i had PE, which i also hate. PE at my school is 1 hour long. 40 minutes of this time are taken up talking and getting changed, so we only do anything active for about 20 minutes. I like the sports we do mostly - though i dislike running, so cross country is not my favourite thing - and today we were playing benchball. Every time we play benchball i get the ball throw at my face, fairly hard at point blank range - so it isn't my favourite activity. Today was no exception. This put me in a fairly bad mood for the rest of the day.

I have to go now (damned parents, can't do their own washing up =]) so I'll finished this later.