Friday, 23 October 2009

I'm unimportant. Move along.

Had one of those days today, where you just want to disappear. Want to not exist, so everything can stop. It feels like m drowning, im losing my grip, and there's nothing left to keep me afloat. I'm going to sink, and it's just a matter of time.

I dont know how to handle it - what possible way is there? I'm useless, and no good to anybody. I dont even know why im writing this, it's not like anyone cares. Mght as wel post it for it never to be read.

Stupid bitches at school, told me to get on the other bus because they wouldnt be able to resist the temptation of tring to get to me. Again.

I'm at mum's tonight going to see Pink tomorrow. Should be fun. Excited about it. Probably gonna post about it the day after.

See yall later.


  1. I may not comment often, but I read every one, and you know that I think you're important. See you whenever you're online next.
