Monday, 21 September 2009

Essays (Language warning)

Essays. Gah, i fucking hate them. Nasty little things that teachers can spring on you at the worst and most unexpected of times. Just finished one on Great Expectations, and i know where i want to shove the whole 5 page thing now. It probably doesn't help that i dislike the main character, and i have a headache though.

This was a re-write, where your teacher comes back and says 'change it all - you doin' it wrong!' Ironically, my teacher spelt piranhas wrong on my re-write notes, which gave me a giggle.

I don't have the pateince to write a huge long thing now - so im going to leave it there. See you later, oh darling reader!


  1. Wait a second, REWRITE? 5 pages? OK, now THAT gotta suck... No wonder you were annoyed at it o_O (besides the fact that making essays is tiresome already for starters)

  2. "No wonder you were annoyed at it o_O"

    Probably was more my fault than the essays. :P
