Friday, 16 October 2009

So, my darling followers.

Another rant, about nothing imparfticular, which you will all find incredibly boring.

So, to those of you who do not know this, i leave school every friday to go to a town and do a PE lesson there. We go in two busses, and, as usual, i chose the wrong one to sit on. Me and my two friends i was with were sat kinda in the middle of one bus, with a load of 'popular' girls behind us. You know the sort of girl im talking about - cries if her hair straighteners are3 broken, and has brains like soup? Yeah. Well, one of them really dislikes me.

I was sat there, didn't say anything, and then somone threw some sugar right over at me. It went everywhere - in my hair, my bag, all over my clothes. And it was damp, so it stuck to everything. They did it again, and i'd already been having a bad day for reasons i dont want to say, and i couldn't take it anymore. I cried, right there, on the bus. Did they stop? No. Because i was, quite obviously, very upset, they though it would be fun to keep doing it. I got more and more sugar all over me, i looked like a fucking christmas cake. It was really not funny. They got some sugar on my friends, too. We were all upset, I just didn't have the energy to bother telling anyone, but my two friends told our teacher.

We spent the whole first half of PE sat on a sofa in the corridor, crying, hugging, hand holding because of them. It happens every week. something new - a comment, an action. And it's begginging to really hurt. I dont know when they're going to stop, but i hope it's soon. They might not ever stop - but, be that the case, i only hvae 1 and a half years left of high school. It's just draining.

So, my darling followers - from me, your sugar encrusted friend, goodbye for now xxx

1 comment:

  1. FFFFFFFFFFFFF another post I didn't notice. I'm failing this week D:

    Also, ugh, bullies, anyone? I hate that kind of people, period. That's the kind of people that somehow manage to get one so angry that feels like trying to do the same to them. And of course, one is the idiot, and the bullies are the best people on existence (if you know what I mean).

    Good for your friends to tell your teacher, although I bet that it isn't going to change anything at all =/
