Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Bad day. Bad, bad, bad...

Warning: This is going to be a very bad blog post. Just me whining, even more than usual.

Bad, bad bad day today at school. I had another one of those days. they're becoming more frequent now, which is scaring me. I wish they'd stop. I just felt like something was pulling me down, making me feel like shit. I dunno. I think im going insane, sometimes.

2 of my friends had an argument today, and one stormed off. There's been a lot going on for me right about now, and that was the final straw. I wanted to punchsomething, but i couldn't. I just stood there, leaning on the fence. 2 of my other friends noticed i was upset, and asked me what was wrong. I just broke down crying. They both hugged me, and told me it'd be okay.

Now. You'd think, if somone was crying at school, you'd have the tiniest little bit of respect nd at least skirt around them. Not at my school, ladies and gentlemen. Nope, some total bithes stopped to hit me fairly hard on the back, which killed, and some tiy little idiot guys stood there laughing at me. They seemed to shut up when they realised im bigger than them, and threatened to castrate them, but y' know.

I was dragged away by my friend, and as i walked away i began to scratch up my fingers fairly badly with my nails. I have a... problem, with stuff like that. but i dont think you all want to read something like that. My hand killed all the way through science, after which i went and ran cold water over it until it became numb - after that it was okay.

Now, when i got home one of my friends messaged me on MSN. Recently, this 'friend' has been... changing. She used to be friendly, kind, happy, bubbly. She loved animals, and cared about problems and stuff in general. Now, all she s interested in is looking her most emo, and guys. That's all she ever talks about. Ever. She pissed me off, and we had an argument. So im in for a bitching tomorrow.

i think you've all had enough of me now. See you later, my darling followers xxx